How to Partner

Let's Make History

Together we can make mental health the most well-funded and most impactful social cause of our time.

Corporate Giving

Corporate Giving

Your company’s foundation or corporate giving department can fund and fuel the best mental health charities in America and drive real change for real people.

Orange10 Products and Experiences

Orange10 Products and Experiences

The Orange10 is a new symbol of solidarity and hope for mental health. By designing and selling Orange10 versions of your most popular products or experiences, you’ll make a statement to your customers, fans, and followers for mental health while also driving profit.



Elevate your brand’s visibility by sponsoring a Mental Health Community Fund live event or experience. Our signature model “If You Want to Help, Donate Here | If You Need Help, Go Here” will allow you to engage with audiences in ways they’ve never experienced. Whether you sponsor a country music festival to raise money for Academy of Country Music Lifting Lives or a Smile & Dial-a-thon to raise money for Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Behavioral and Mental Health, you’ll be seen as a leader in helping to build the best mental health for all.

Employee Engagement and Fundraising

Employee Engagement and Fundraising

Attract and retain the best and brightest by engaging your employees in a campaign to raise money, awareness and urgency for mental health. Show employees you care by organizing events to help change the future of mental health.

Customer Engagement and Fundraising

Customer Engagement and Fundraising

Turn your customers into brand enthusiasts by asking them to support your mission and commitment to fundraising for mental health with Orange10 products and experiences or Round It Up America donations at checkout.

Donate Media Space

Donate Media Space

We’re building a new network of mental health changemakers who will donate media space to help raise money to fund the best of the best mental health charities in America. Co-brand with us to showcase your company’s dedication to the cause.

Together we can build mental health into the most well-funded and most impactful social cause of our time.

Contact Us

for partnership opportunities
